Sunday, March 8, 2009

Correct Time

Perhaps one of my favorite parts about Daylight Saving Time is when all the old ladies (Grandma and Marie) bring their watches and clocks with them to dinner so that Dad can set them to the correct time.


Usandthings said...

Grandma and Marie should just move to Arizona... or better, they could live here, and I could take their place in Atascadero.

Jodie said...

Oh man. So sad I missed that dinner. I'll have to plan to be there next time...this is definitely something I don't want to miss.

Tara said...

LOL...I would really think it would be more effort to bring all their clocks to your house than to just set them themselves! Thats great that they do this, your Dad is so handy to have around.

Kylie said...

I just love Grandma and Marie.