I'm not a huge Fair person, but with Collin Raye on the free stage, who could keep themselves away?!
Oh man, do you see how close we were sitting?! And i hardly used my zoom.
Although i was pretty excited for Collin Raye, Tara's grandma was the most excited. Collin Raye is a babe after all.
After Collin Raye i bought some overpriced Fair food and we went to the Main Grandstand. A free concert was going on there, too. The Jonas Brothers. Apparently, they are all the rage on the teeny-bopper scene. There were tons of young girls all over that place.
And they appeared to know the songs.
That is one of the Jonas Brothers. He has a dynamite on his shirt. Probably because he is dynamite. Unfortunately, we spotted a wedding ring on his finger. Someone already snatched him up.
I love the title of this post mostly because if I wasn't there I would wish I was you! Also I checked out the link you made to Collin Ray and I must say that I don't think he was ever good looking really, I kind of thought some of his "swagger" may have come from his previous days of glorious good-looking-ness, but alas it must remain a mystery...although maybe my grandma and all her friends are just a little bit crazy...I think it's possible. It was a great show though and fair midstate fiarish of us to attend!
Oh man, he really never was that good looking. But i am glad he likes himself, you know? That is what it is all about. Even if you think you are cool enough to wear pre-ripped jeans but you're really not, you should still wear them. It's all about how you feel inside.
too true...Go ahead Collin strut your stuff!
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