Sunday, May 17, 2009

Tahoe and Small Planes

Look what I found!

Lake Tahoe!

And a stump!

I like this picture because it looks like Ky and I are connected at the leg. Only three legs for us, thanks.
Have you met Mike?

This is Kylie's husband, Mike:

And this is da Lake:

If I were on some sort of social networking site, I would probably select this as my profile picture:

Mike kept trying to take over the stump, but Kylie wouldn't let him.

I wanted to show a lot more stump photos, and seeing how Kylie already made this excellent stump montage, I decided to just steal it from her:

Ohh... that was the last Kylie and Mike and Sky Reno trip picture. Sad....

But, I have some coming home pictures! I like the journey through the clouds.

Can you see the ocean?

Also, medium-large planes freak me out. I prefer the small planes that fly into San Luis Obispo. You know, the planes with only 9 rows of seats? Those are the best.


Jodie said...

Love the stump shots...I'm definitely going to need to visit Lake Tahoe some day. And...find the stump!

Kylie said...

I knew you were saving these for the perfect moment! The Reno trip lives on! I like the 3-leg stump shot too, except for the part where I look like a doofus.

The tiny planes freak me out. Mike's coworker flies tiny planes and said if we paid to rent one, he would fly us somewhere. You know, like Shelter Cove.

I'd rather not die. I pass. But thanks, anyway.