Saturday, January 30, 2010

Sally the...

I guess we have a dog. My parents never cease to surprise me, and today was our second day with our 4-month-old female black Goldendoodle. I feel like hybrids are trendy right now, and I'm trying not to hold it against our new pup.

Anyway, we need to name the pup.

Mother wants Greta or Fern.

Dad likes Val or Lady

I like Scout or Sally.

Now, some of you may know that we have a cat named Sally. Sally the Cat. Our dog would be Sally the Dog, so I don't anticipate any confusion. Also, Sally the Cat keeps a pretty low profile outside of our house, so it's not like we are going to ever have two Sallys in one room. It's just not gonna happen. I introduced the idea of Sally the Dog to Mother this evening, and she thought it was funny. She thought it was so funny that she thinks I'm kidding. But I'm not. I'm really voting for Sally the Dog.


The Studes said...

count me in for your birthday!! sorry I was sleeping when you called =)

Jodie said...

Bran and I were brainstorming last night. My favorite we came up with was Bea. Then Cleo.

Audrey/Cooper's grandma said...

Sally is a great name for a dog. We had a great little dog named
Sallie when Marissa was growing up. She was the best, I still miss her!!

Tara said...

What about naming it after a family member like maybe after your mom? lol. just a thought. I think Sally is a name for a camel...:) Also I kinda like Lady...sorry buddy but it's true. You should post a pic. I wanna see!

Marissa of Ris C Handmade said...

I think I need to see a pic first before I can vote on a name. I would have to agree with your mom though, as much as I like the name Sally, I think it would create too much confusion.

Kylie said...

A dog! Just what you wanted! Tell you mom Sally is a great name. Why come up with something new when you already have a gem?