Sunday, April 29, 2007

I can't

Last week Kathleen, Greg and I set goals for each other. For one of Kathleen's goals, we decided she should cook a meal for us. (She never cooks, except for sandwiches which don't count.) Anyway, she did a great job and went all out... decorated the place and everything. She even had lovey music in the background.
It was so romantic, except for the part that was Greg... he is so not romantic... i keep looking at my watch tan, which is much darker than yesterday.... just check out the pictures...

Kathleen can do this really great trick where she stands over the stairwell.

I can't.


Tara said...

Wow you look so great in the romantic dinner picture! My hats off to Kathleen who not only did her best to make it as romantic as possible but also actually cooked and can do that crazy thing on the stairs...I'm kind of glad she didn't do that while I was there...too scary for me, I'm glad you didn't do it too.

Usandthings said...

Do you have to walk under her while she's doing her trick? That would make it even trickier.

Jodie said...

I didn't notice the watch I blind?